Monday, October 28, 2013

Welcome to How to camp right.
I've been camping all my life, and i'm good at it. I also love to teach and share knowledge, so here is my attempt at combining my interests. Over the last few years I have been renewing my love affair with the outdoors. I'm almost 40 and way over weight, My loving wife, Karen and i were fat and happy but wanted to be less fat. I've always agreed that diets don't work. To make real change you have to change your life, not just what you eat for limited time period. Part of that change included exercise, I hate using a indoor machine to make me sweat. Having lived in Colorado all my life the answer was obvious, the mountains are right there!

I started a group on Facebook called Hike Club, the point was to get a groups of like minded outdoor lovers ready to hike on short notice. Starting in mid February I would look at the weather report on Wednesday and if there was a decent day on the coming weekend i'd plan a hike at a Jeffco Open Space park. We hiked about every two weeks all the way up to summer. Hike Club has been great and were back into Hike Club season now that schedules have started to free up since the snow is coming.

In the summer of 2012 Karen and I camped 3 or 4 times with Evan and Amber. On these campouts we would do day-hikes that Karen and I were barely ready for, and wanted more. Hike club was really about motivating me to get in shape to keep up with my camping buddies from the summer before. And it worked! This summer we camped our asses off.

We car camp. I know some of you think it's not really camping if you don't carry all your crap some random distance into the woods. I disagree. Don't get me wrong, I go camping to leave it all behind, I try to camp as far away from everyone as i can. I want the solace and quite of the mountains to be shared among my invited friends.

I intend to share my method of enjoying the outdoors through this blog. Take it or leave it this is what i love.

1 comment:

  1. How is your axe? Do you have an axe? You should never venture to the woods without 2 axes. There your blog is complete!
